DaVinci's legacy
How would Leonardo have felt about being the center of all this hype? He'd have loved it, I'm sure, but the subject matter of the DaVinci Code brings to the fore some tough questions that Christians need to be able to address. I have read Breaking the DaVinci Code which was an immense help in clearing up a lot of the half-truths, misconceptions, and out-and-out lies put forth as having been researched and found to be reliable in the DaVinci Code (which is, after all, fiction). Breaking the Code was easy to read and follow for someone unschooled in the history of the compilation of the bible, and best of all, if you have doubts, there are other sources to check out. I hate having to take anyone's word for it, even if I agree! It's only fair.
My strongest feeling about the Da Vinci Code relates directly to whether or not Jesus married Mary Magdelene and what effect that might have on my faith or my belief in Christ as the Messiah. After careful thought I really wonder and welcome comment on this topic, because frankly, there is nothing to say Christ couldn't have been married and still been THE Christ and fulfilled His mission anyway. I don't believe He was married, and I cite Breaking the Code as the most plausible evidence to that effect, but even if He were, there would be no need for a whole secret society to cover up the fact, since it doesn't negate Jesus' Godhood anyway. The best reason for Christ to not marry would be so that His attention would not be split between His wife and His mission. As for the marital relationship, well, that was God's idea in the first place. What's wrong with it?
At any rate, opinions are welcome on this most interesting topic.