The Huntington Apologetics Team

the HAT: Protect Your Head

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

"Christians Are Hypocrites!" And Other Such Challenges

How many times have you heard this phrase: "I would become a Christian or go to church, but all those Christians are such hypocrites!" Perhaps you've used the phrase yourself on a well-meaning Christian. One of the main problems Christians have today is that such complaints are justified over and over again. It's true, there are many hypocrites who do great harm to the faith. On the other hand, this complaint is just a shield some non-christians use to avoid dealing with the truth claims of the Bible. Let me explain.

When someone wants to argue against someone else's claim they have to deal with the facts. Take the judicial system as an example. Ideally, one lawyer lays out the case for one side, another lays out the opposite side, and a judge or jury decides which lawyer has the support of the facts.

What if a judge said, "Well, Lawyer Smith may or may not have the facts on his side in this case, but I know that he is a hypocrite in his every day life. Therefore, I will side with his opponent."

We would all recognize that the judge's decision is flawed. Just because someone has a problem in their personal life doesn't mean that the things they tell you are false. If the teachings of Christianity are true, whether or not some Christians live up to those teachings should have no effect on whether you believe them or not.

Look to the facts! When you realize that the claims of Christianity are in fact true, nothing should then stop you from accepting them. Anything less would be irrational.