The Huntington Apologetics Team

the HAT: Protect Your Head

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A note on the apologist's profile

Josh's post which defines an apologist is very concise and easy to conceive... and begs the question: Do I want to be an apologist? The description presented can be used to define in which areas we, as "wannabes," are weaker so that we can improve.

I was recently speaking with a friend to whom I outlined life in this way: Before you die, there is X amount of time allotted, a quantity(A) of work to be done by day Y, and Z resources to accomplish the goal. It's a simple equation, right? Is life really that simple?

Where does apologetics fall into that equation? Where on your list does God fall? Pointedly, one of my pastor/elders recently preached a message about the most valuable thing we have to offer God... our time, of course. What an indictment. To be a Christian is to be a servant. That is a joy! We have too little time for joy in our lives.

As for myself, I recognize my limited abilities as a true apologist and the constraints I face in making time to invest in that pursuit. But if it is truly important to us, we will make the time. One of the most difficult things in desiring an "apologetic mind" is pursuing it in the face of those who don't understand why we care. I often feel overwhelming guilt from both sides! I am aware of how lacking I am in preparedness and feel guilt for not devoting myself to study more. Conversely I feel guilty when I am studying and someone in my family has a need I have not met, and does not understand what is taking up my time. What are we to do? I am grateful for those who post on the blog and take the time to support me by studying, so I guess this post is a thank you and an Apology! (no pun intended... well, I suppose it was intended, but forgive me for that as well!)